Hosting a Portfolio Night in your city is an exclusive right and shows you support the development of young talent and are a key player in your local creative community. 

Hosting a Portfolio Night in your city is an exclusive right and shows you support the development of young talent and are a key player in your local creative community. 


Benefits of Hosting:

  • Press
    • Multiple press releases naming your city and hosting organization.  In 2023, over 150 articles covered Portfolio Night in all regions of the world.
  • Recruiting
    • Hosting Portfolio Night gives you access to ALL attendees' portfolios, making it a great tool to spot (and acquire) the best emerging talent.
  • Community Recognition
    • As host, you will be able to gather creative directors from all over your region.  Positioning your agency as an industry leader amongst peers.

Who Should Host:

  • Schools
  • Creative Clubs
  • Creative Agencies
  • Brands with in-house teams

Anyone interested in championing young creatives and who has access to a venue and qualified reviewers.

What is Provided:

  • Global Promotion from The One Club for Creativity.
    • We'll spend the months leading up to Portfolio Night leveraging press contacts as well as our expansive global audience via email blasts and social campaigns.
  • Branded City Page on with event details and ticket purchasing functionality.
    • You'll be able to customize your page to highlight what makes your Portfolio Night event unique! We'll handle ticketing and give you access to your attendee lists.
  • Marketing materials and day-of resource kit + swag to give to attendees.
    • We will create custom branded assests for each city host to use on their social platforms and beyond.  Though, hosts are welcome to get creative and build on what they are provided with.
  • Step-by-step guides and informational calls.
    • The One Club is here for you! We'll ensure every host knows how to successfully prepare for and run Portfolio Night in their city.
  • Hosts receive 100% of ticket proceeds and any sponsorship deals they secure.

What Hosts Provide:

  • Venue
    • Most hosts utilize their own facilities, however, Portfolio Night has been hosted at restaurants, bars, clubs and other creative spaces.
  • Portfolio Reviewers
    • We think Portfolio Night works best when creatives review creatives (rather than recruiters).  Gather Creative Directors  from across your city or region, not just your own company to increase the benefit for your attendees.
  • Local Promotion
    • The One Club has an extensive global network, but you are better connected to your city than we are.  Be prepared to reach out to schools, post on social media and leverage local channels to maximize your attendance.
  • Any additional elements to dress up your event
    • Portfolio Night can be as the creatives it brings together! Feel free to bring in fun food, drinks, music and other entertainment to make this a big night for your community.